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Sustainable, social, and responsible
Environmentally sustainable business practices along with socially-oriented and responsible company management are core elements of the Komax Group’s corporate strategy. They are incorporated into both the Komax Group’s long-term targets and its operating activities.
The Komax Group aims to achieve sustainable and profitable growth. By this it means the all-encompassing, long-term development of the Komax Group and its environment with the aim of creating value not just in the economic sense, but also in an environmental and social sense.
The company bears responsibility for its stakeholders in many different ways, and can best meet that responsibility through sustainable, value-creating business development. It therefore takes care to ensure that it has a robust financial base and pursues a long-term strategy so that future generations can also benefit from the impact of the Komax Group. It fundamentally rejects any notion of making profits at the cost of the environment and society.
It attaches considerable value to environment-friendly production and the responsible use of natural resources, and offers its employees an appreciative working environment. Far from being empty phrases, these principles have been applied by the Komax Group for decades.
ESG was defined as one of the key strategic targets of the Komax Group by the Board of Directors back in 2022. Key ESG metrics have been compiled and documented since 2021. The Komax Group firmly anchored ESG in the company when developing its new strategy. Part of this involved the comprehensive revision of the Articles of Association at the Annual General Meeting on 12 April 2023, including the introduction of Article 2a, “Sustainability”, which underscores the principle of sustainability already being applied by the Komax Group.
Following the 2023 Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors also set up a Sustainability and Innovation Committee. This committee informs and advises the Board of Directors regularly on new developments in the different areas of ESG and monitors sustainability reporting.
Since 2023, an ESG committee consisting of line managers from a wide range of areas has been driving the implementation of the various ESG initiatives within the company at the operational level.
The Komax Group has embedded ESG topics consistently in its business processes. As part of this, it has defined three focus areas – Fairness, Responsibility, and Climate Protection – with which it intends to concentrate in particular on its customers, employees, suppliers, and the planet.
Sustainable products and processes
A key feature of the machines developed by the Komax Group is their extraordinarily high quality and longevity. The Group’s own global service network and its collaboration with partners ensures that these machines are professionally maintained. This has a positive impact on their performance, value retention, and lifespan, as well as saving resources. Moreover, the wire processing solutions delivered by the Komax Group do not contain any environmentally damaging components.
Highly automated, state-of-the-art production systems are used for manufacturing strategically important components. The careful and efficient use of resources has top priority. The majority of the production locations of the Komax Group, are ISO 9001 certified. On top of that, important locations are also ISO 14001 certfied.
Promoting people and contributing to the general good
The Komax Group is also deeply committed to its employees, offering them a respectful, appreciation-based working atmosphere in which they are given freedom of maneuver and the opportunity to engage in inspiring exchanges. This is reflected in the regular employee surveys carried out by the company, in which a large number of employees always state that they view themselves as ambassadors of the Komax Group, and feel an exceptionally strong tie both with the company and their work.
In keeping with its corporate purpose, the Komax Group is keen to make a contribution to society, and to make life simpler, safer, and more convenient. It achieves this not only through its business strategy, but also by actively supporting a whole range of projects.
Good corporate governance as a top priority
As a globally active market leader in its field, the Komax Group has a special responsibility toward its customers, suppliers, employees, and the communities in which it works. The Komax Group takes this responsibility very seriously, and has therefore drawn up a strict Code of Conduct. It is binding for all employees.
Responsible corporate governance geared around long-term success also encompasses appropriate risk management. The risks associated with the Komax Group’s commercial activities are systematically identified, analyzed, monitored, and managed on an annual basis through an institutionalized risk management function.
The Komax Group has a long-term ambition for each of the three focus areas, and has defined 13 overarching targets for next five years in 2023. In order to attain these targets, various strategic initiatives are being pursued and comprehensive reporting established.
Once a year, the Komax Group publishes a comprehensive ESG report in accordance with the GRI guidelines. The report is an integral part of annual reporting and is published together with the Annual Report in March. The corresponding GRI index is available on the the respective website of the online Annual Report (see link below).