Automation in control cabinet production: Register now for the TechTalk webinar

Technology & Innovation

At the “(Partial) Automation in Control Cabinet Production” TechTalk, Komax will be presenting a range of cost-effective solutions in the field of fully automated wire production. These help control cabinet manufacturers to achieve more flexibility, reduce manual wiring by up to 80 percent and shorten production times. 

Skilled labor shortages, supply chain issues, material costs, small production batches and cost pressure. These are just some of the challenges that control cabinet manufacturers are currently facing. Even though control cabinet construction is becoming increasingly demanding and complex, it is still characterized by numerous manual tasks that take up precious time and lead to increased error rates. This is precisely what Komax will address in the "(Partial) Automation in Control Cabinet Production" TechTalk on 9 May 2023 at 2 pm. The talk will show how automated wire assembly reduces the wiring effort and shortens the throughput time, and thus has a positive effect on operational efficiency in control cabinet production.

In its Control Cabinet Production TechTalk, Komax will focus on automation of the wire prefabrication process, which leads to a massive decrease in the wiring costs and efforts, because in manual wire production, this process still accounts for around half of the production time of a control cabinet. A relevant efficiency gain can be achieved if wire bundles are manufactured in a component-oriented and wiring-optimized manner and then provided in this production sequence. In fact, digitization and automation solutions in the field of control cabinet wiring help manufacturers achieve shorter production times, inventory reduction, more flexibility and a time saving of up to 80 percent compared to manual wiring.

Komax will present cost-effective solutions for digitized and lean production in the TechTalk, moderated by Schaltschrankbau Magazine editor-in-chief Jürgen Wirtz, and will provide interesting suggestions for increasing efficiency in control cabinet construction.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 2 pm
Participation is free of charge.


René LehnApplication Specialist Data2Wire...

René has been with Komax since 1990. He has worked as a digital workflow expert for automated wire prefabrication in the industrial division and as a development project manager for digital lean wiring.
