Naša rozsiahla ponuka služieb zaisťuje, že s produktami skupiny Komax Group môžete pracovať produktívnejšie a dosiahnuť vynikajúcu kvalitu. Najlepšie vybavenie si zaslúži najlepší servis a my sme tu, aby sme ho poskytli.
Výročná správa 2023 online
Skupina Komax zverejnila svoje výročné výsledky za rok 2023. Prečítajte si viac o vývoji v hospodárskom roku 2023, Stratégii 2028 a novej správe ESG pripravenej v súlade s celosvetovo uznávanými štandardmi GRI.
Silný rast v oblasti ekologickej leteckej mobility
So zavedením Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) do udržateľnej leteckej premávky s inovatívnymi službami rastie dopyt po elektrických káblových systémoch v lietadlách. Požadujú sa nové spôsoby montáže vodičov.
Ad hoc Board of Directors of Komax Holding AG nominates Andreas Häberli for election as Chairman at the 2025 Annual General Meeting
Beat Kälin, who has acted as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Komax Holding AG since 2015, has decided to step down as Chairman at the next Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors is nominating Andreas Häberli as new Chairman. Beat Kälin will remain a member of the Board. Moreover, ...
Ad hoc The Komax Group is making good progress in the implementation of its strategy
In September 2023 the Komax Group announced its new strategy and its mid-term targets for 2028. Since then, it has made good progress in the implementation of its strategy. It has strengthened its position in China, expanded its service business, and optimized its distribution network, location ...
Ad hoc Consistent cost reduction and structural optimizations as the basis for future profitable growth
The first six months of 2024 were shaped by excess capacity in the automotive industry in Europe and Asia and persistent global uncertainties, leading to scaled-back investment activity on the part of customers. This resulted in an order intake that was down 22.1% at CHF 269.5 million (H1 2023: ...