First China, then the world: the QpLite crimp force monitor is ready to conquer the industry

Know how

Small wonder Komax Singapore’s QpLite crimp force monitor is rapidly making inroads from the Asia-Pacific market into the global wire harness industry: benchmark-setting performance, versatility, connectivity, scalability and upgradability – this diminutive device has it all.

Key insights

  • QpLite, a crimp force monitor designed and manufactured by Komax Singapore, has had a strong impact in the global automotive harness manufacturing market since its launch in early 2020.

  • Through both online and offline sales channels, Komax has successfully introduced QpLite throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

  • The fully scalable QpLite has set a new benchmark for semi-automatic crimping quality monitoring systems and has provided the Komax R&D team with valuable input for future quality tool development.

Fact: crimp force monitoring is crucial in ensuring wire terminal crimping quality and increasing production output. A long-time leader in the industry, Komax has developed a wide range of cutting-edge quality tools for exactly that purpose. And now, to address the specific needs and concerns of wire harness manufacturers that widely employ semi-automatic BenchTop crimpers, Komax Singapore has come up with a cost-effective, powerful and comprehensive quality control solution: QpLite. Here’s a quick overview of its main benefits.

  • Connectivity: QpLite inherits extraordinary Komax crimp force analysis algorithms, achieving far better accuracy than similar products. But what makes the product even more popular is its Ethernet connectivity. Used together with the Komax QpNet quality and process control system, customers can easily achieve 100% traceability of the whole crimping process.
  • Scalability/upgradability: before QpLite, when requirements changed in wire harness crimping processes, there was often no way around replacing crimp force monitors with newer and more advanced models – which typically entailed considerable capital investments with little economic return. Now, customers can simply upgrade the system's functionality by unlocking premium software features. Ultimately, QpLite can be upgraded to offer the same features as Komax’s premium Qpex crimp force monitor. A great, economical way to maximize ROI.
  • Quality: QpLite is ready for Industry 4.0’s increased demands on wire harness quality. As manufacturers expand automation and digitalization, this powerful crimp force monitor ensures that the quality of their semi-automatic processes matches that of fully automated production lines.

With characteristics such as these, it is no surprise that QpLite conquered the Asia-Pacific market so fast. And now, on the back of its successful launch in Asia, it is confidently approaching the European market.

How we “conquered” China – and beyond…

China has always been an intensely competitive market – and a market no player can ignore. So how come QpLite was so successful right from the start? The China launch delivers a clear message: buy a solution, not a product. Since QpLite's first introduction, Komax China and Singapore have collaborated on various activities to drive that message home by successfully exploring a new way of promoting products: livestreaming. By broadcasting on social media platforms with interactive online sales functions, they brought customers from Komax Shanghai’s demo room into Komax Singapore’s factory and R&D centers, demonstrating to them the whole QpNet quality management system using an actual real crimping process.

Following on the heels of these powerful “live” events in China, there were similar promotional activities in Southeast Asian countries and India. The local Komax sales and service teams are currently busy organizing online and offline seminars and roadshows to help customers understand the benefits of adopting Komax quality management solutions. The success of QpLite has also boosted the demand for other Komax quality tools, demonstrating that the quality and value of our products speak for themselves.

This is only the beginning

QpLite: this tiny “black box” contains decades of experience and knowledge, as well as our development team’s outstanding dedication and commitment. And its future is, as they say, wide open, what with the rapidly developing trends in e-mobility, peripheral infrastructures, 5G, autonomous driving, etc. All these developments are certain to bring about new changes and challenges to harness quality management. QpLite has raised the quality standard for the market and Komax will continue to be on the industry’s leading edge. QpLite is only the beginning!


Lucy MaoMarketing Specialist │Komax Shanghai...

Lucy Mao joined Komax Shanghai in July 2017 and has since been responsible for marketing and communications projects. She brings more than 10 years of experience in PR and external event management and holds a degree in Business English.

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