Sustainable, social, responsible
Environmentally sustainable business practices along with socially oriented and responsible company management are core elements of the Komax Group’s corporate strategy. They are incorporated into both the Komax Group’s long-term targets and its operating activities. The Komax Group continues to develop its competencies in questions of sustainability on an ongoing basis. Sustainability (ESG) is an integral component of its strategy – with 13 specific targets that are set out in this ESG Report.
Core elements of the ESG Strategy
With its strategy, the Komax Group is consistently embedding ESG topics in its business processes. As part of this, it has defined three focus areas – Fairness, Responsibility, and Climate Protection – with which it intends to concentrate in particular on its customers, employees, suppliers, and the planet. The Komax Group has a long-term ambition for each of these focus areas, and in 2023 defined 13 overarching targets for the next five years based on its materiality analysis. One of the targets in the “Fairness” focus area was attained as planned in 2024. In order to achieve the remaining targets, various strategic initiatives are being pursued. In the year under review, the Climate Protection core element was additionally expanded to include the aspect of net zero emissions. In addition, the comprehensive reporting established in previous years was further expanded in 2024.
Progress the ESG area in the reporting year
Having enshrined ESG as a core component of its corporate strategy with 13 specific ESG targets in 2023, the Komax Group concentrated on the operational implementation of these targets in 2024.
Owing to the significant decline in revenues, the Komax Group was not able to achieve progress across the board in respect of its targets in the area of “climate protection.” A positive point, however, is that the company succeeded in maintaining overall tCO₂e emissions at a steady level, despite acquisitions. A number of measures, including greater use of renewable energies at the sites, contributed to this. The company aims to work even harder on its CO₂ footprint and has therefore adapted its original target: Instead of maintaining constant CO₂ emissions until 2028, the Komax Group now wants to reduce them by 10%.
In the area of “Responsibility,” the Komax Group has conducted uniform, Group-wide measurements of customer satisfaction and supplier loyalty and can now disclose specific figures that form a basis for continuous improvement.
Substantial progress was also achieved in the area of “Fairness.” New Codes of Conduct were drawn up for employees and suppliers, and these have now been implemented. Moreover, the Komax Group introduced guidelines on human rights, corruption, and bribery as planned, and thus achieved one of its 13 ESG targets.
Data quality was improved in all areas, for instance with regard to emissions and energy, as well as social key figures.
Part of the ESG Report is the GRI index.
First-ever TCFD Report
The ESG reporting was developed and expanded to include the first-ever report on climate-related opportunities and risks (TCFD Report).
As a global company with a sustainable and long-term growth strategy, the Komax Group has a responsibility to engage with climate change and its consequences. It takes its cue from the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Over the next few pages, the company explores the physical and transitory climate risks and opportunities relevant to the Komax Group on the basis of the recommendations of the TCFD. In the year under review, the Komax Group expanded its ESG strategy to include the aspect of net zero emissions. It looks here to Switzerland’s climate targets, and is striving to reduce greenhouse gases to net zero by 2050.
Selected ESG topics
Economic contribution
The Komax Group wants to help resolve a number of global challenges with its current business model. Automation facilitates higher quality as well as safety in production processes and end products. It reduces the quantity of rejects as well as wear and tear, thereby reducing the intensity of resources and costs at the production stage. Automated processes also improve workplace safety. Ultimately, they offer a solution to the increasing shortage of skilled personnel and help ensure the long-term success of customers.
New Lambda 5 series with an up to 82% smaller carbon footprint.
In the new modular Lambda 5 modular machine series for the fully automatic assembly of multi-step contact systems, the Komax Group has managed to reduce its carbon footprint by up to 82% compared to the predecessor range. This impressive reduction, calculated on the assumption of a production volume of 5 million wires, is attributable not just to the much shorter cycle time of the machinery, but also to the predominant absence of active suction and blowing air.
Optimized resource management
The Komax Group offers its customers solutions for the improvement of resource management. With its digital cloud service WIRE Insights, real-time process data for wire processing machines can be analyzed. On the basis of this data, reports and statistics can be produced at the touch of a button, enabling customers to identify and address errors and problems in production immediately. The experiences of customers show that scrap rates for cables, seals, and contacts can be reduced by up to 40%.
Training and professional development
As part of its active staff development policy, the Komax Group supports individual training and development for its employees. Around 1% of all personnel expenses are channeled into this each year, which in 2024 amounted to some CHF 3 million. In the year under review, employees completed almost 3,300 online courses through the Komax Academy and the Schleuniger University alone. Furthermore, the Komax Group is currently in the process of introducing the new digital learning management system “Komax Campus”.
Support for «Feed My Starving Children» in the US
In the year under review, numerous employees of Komax USA in Buffalo Grove dedicated a day of their time to put together food packages for children in need. The organization “Feed my Starving Children” then sends these packages to those in need in more than 70 countries. As well as supporting children in difficult circumstances, the project also promotes an inclusive and open-minded corporate culture.
Protecting customer and partner data
The Komax Group continuously analyzes cyber risks and derives measures to ensure that all its own data, as well as that of customers, suppliers, and employees, is protected to the greatest extent possible. The Komax Group has detailed data protection guidelines in place. These include an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which covers data security at the workplace as well as for remote access, email, internet, and social media, along with the monitoring of security incidents and handling policies. A further element is a password policy. Both policies were standardized across the Group in 2024.
More information on the Komax Group's activities in the three ESG dimensions of Environment, Social, and Governance can be found in the ESG Report, which is part of the full Annual Report 2024.