Komax Easter Game Night: Thrilling, team building fun

Inside Komax

Due to the coronavirus, the Easter Bunny hopped along to Komax virtually this year. Instead of the usual relaxed Easter break in the office, the alternative was just as enjoyable: a game night where teams played an online escape game, The Pegasus Project. 

164 employees competed in 33 teams. They gave it their all, setting out on the trail of the scientists missing from Spider Technologies, hot on the heels of an agent. They investigated, researched, and put their sleuthing skills to the test with puzzles and clues. The teams gave nothing away and only the best managed to expose Spider Tech’s dark dealings in a dramatic finale.

Congratulations to the most successful teams:

1st place Team BüHüWiSiZi

2nd place Team BCAA

3rd place Team Teamname. 


Gabriela WeberHR Specialist Reporting & Global Programs

Gabriela Weber joined Komax in 2015 as HR Specialist Reporting & Global Programs.

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