Komax Services Relocation

Your Benefit

  • Shortened planning times

  • Fast response to production bottlenecks

  • Comprehensive support by Komax with acquisition, transport, repair and installation

  • On-site instruction of your operating and maintenance staff by Komax engineers

  • Lower investment volume compared to new acquisitions

  • Support with the identification of used machines and test systems across the worldwide Komax network


For companies with multiple production locations, it is not uncommon for some locations to be working non-stop while others have free capacities. Rather than increasing production capacity through the purchase of new equipment, shifting under-utilized production equipment within the company can be a smart option.

With our relocation service, Komax guarantees the flawless condition of the machines and test systems after the move to the new location – so they can be used in production right away. We put the machinery into operation and instruct the operating personnel at the new location.

Komax Relocation is also the perfect solution when you buy used Komax machines or test systems: there’s no risk for you because we inspect and repair the equipment.

Scope of services

  • Inspection of the machines and test systems at the old location and creation of documentation of the machine condition (Condition Report) by Komax specialists
  • Determination of any necessary repair work with the customer (generally maintenance, recertification of quality devices and/or upgrade of hardware and software)
  • Execution of the defined tasks, acceptance and reporting at the old location as well as packing and sealing the transport units by Komax specialists
  • Transport and installation of the machines and test systems at the new location by Komax
  • Instruction of the operating personnel at the new location by Komax specialists

Service Brochures