Ramp-up Komax Services

Your Benefit

  • Seamless integration of new equipment into your production process

  • No costly trials before new machines and test systems are running optimally

  • Fewer unplanned downtimes

  • No production interruptions

  • Higher availability

  • Consistent quality

  • Less waste

  • Knowledge transfer


The more complex the system, the more important it is for the equipment to be coordinated with your processes as quickly as possible. This applies in equal measure to new machines and test systems as well as existing ones with which you  want to process different products with new specifications. Our service technicians harmonize new and existing equipment on site for optimal process stability, productivity and quality and thoroughly instruct your employees.

Scope of services

For new machines

  • Thorough instruction of operating personnel by Komax specialists
  • Guidance and support in the initial production phase
  • Optimization of machines and test systems for maximum productivity with the best possible quality

With existing machines

  • Support with operation and maintenance
  • Support with issues in ongoing operations
  • Support with optimizing productivity and quality
  • Support with optimizing maintenance

Service Brochures