Omega 840 / 850: Fully automatic assembly of unshielded twisted-pair wires now possible too!

Technology & Innovation

The fully automatic insertion of single leads and unshielded twisted-pair wires with innovative solutions from Komax is an essential step on the way to automatic wire harness production and seamless traceability. The new Omega 840 / 850 automatic insertion machines greatly expand the range of applications, as they can also handle unshielded twisted-pair wires.

Key insights

  • The Omega 840 / 850 consists of a flexible base machine with intelligent software, interchangeable process modules and application parts developed for the specific needs of our customers.

  • Our new Omega 840 / 850 enables the fully automatic assembly of wire harnesses with almost any combination of single and twisted wires.

Twisted wires are a major challenge for automatic assembly, as two ends must be aligned at a small distance apart from one another and then plugged into the connector housing. With the new Omega 840 (5 stations) and 850 (8 stations) automatic insertion machines, we have now overcome even this formidable challenge, thanks to the integration of an additional double insertion head. The operator prepares the twisted wires outside the machine and places them in a cassette ready for processing.

Automatic monitoring of insertion force and terminal locking

In the case of wire harnesses containing twisted wires, cable manufacturers previously relied on semi-automated production or made them without automation entirely. Productivity, quality and traceability suffered as a result.

Wire harnesses are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, end-of-line tests often reveal assembly errors that result in time-consuming reworking or products being scrapped. This holds especially true of unshielded twisted cables. Moreover, terminals are becoming smaller and the housings tend to have a higher packing density.

The Omega 840 / 850 automatically monitors the insertion force and primary locking during insertion. This means there is no risk that smaller terminals will be damaged and cause errors in the end-of-line test – as is often the case with manual insertion. Or even worse: errors arise only later on, during operation.

Nothing stands in the way of full automation anymore

The number of twisted wires in automotive wiring harnesses is steadily increasing. With an Omega 840 / 850, wire harnesses can be produced with almost any combination of single and twisted wires. As a result, the spectrum of wire harnesses that can be manufactured fully automatically is now increasing dramatically.

Discussions with customers have shown that time to introduce higher levels of automation has come. This allows our customers to better position themselves with respect to OEMs and clearly set themselves apart from the competition.

Tailored to individual customer needs

Like the other Omega machines, the Omega 840 / 850 consists of a flexible base machine with intelligent software, interchangeable process modules and application parts that are developed for the special needs of our customers, who benefit from decisive economic advantages thanks to this customization. Prospective customers should contact their Komax representative for expert advice.


Matthias FelderProduct Group Manager...

Matthias Felder’s career at Komax began in 2014. After starting out in assembly, he first became Product Support Manager of Harness Machines division and has fully embraced this product group since 2022.

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